Monopole Tower is a kind of tower consisting of an elevated base or pillar.
These small galvanized tube forms offer several savings possibilities for carriers and owners. The company’s speed and savings offer smaller rental areas, lower costs, and decreased build time. Monopole structures, constructed from steel, concrete, and fiberglass and are most freighted on a single trailer to save additional money. The most common poles of tapering steel or slip joints have become, with the other variables being phase tapered or tube segment poles. Multi-sided or smooth poles may be available.
The structures are aesthetically pleasant and well-integrated into the environment and require minimal installation space. Inside the transmission line, the coaxial cable not exposed to loads caused by wear and tire or wind. In general, the only visible additions are climbing accessories and antennas. Rotation of Azimuth into antenna arrays and platforms.
Dist. Eng Monopole Towers
Dist-Eng is an Engineering Consulting Company with an emphasis on telecommunication and broadcast towers and also other vertical structures including wind turbine towers and flagpoles.
Monopole Tower Construction
The constructional process of monopole tower involves;
Structural geometries began to take shape with the project requirements taken into account. The vertical design of the 500-kV double circuit. It has the Falcon triple bundle conductor, resulting in an extremely high load structure. The team has designed a broader array of monopole systems to reduce costs by reduced structural weights and base scale.
In addition, Medium and heavy-duty structures were classified into Tangent structures, and up to 16 ° C were medium and heavy suspension corner structures. Since only three dead-end structures have been needed. They have been designed for their particular positions for the loads applied instead of having a theoretically defined overall span and line angle.
In preliminary structure design, the HTP team used PLS-CADD mainly inline design and PLS-POLE. An additional detailed deflection analysis was carried out with SAP2000, but with conventional hand calculations, arm connections and flange connections were tested.
The foundations of either screw piles, cast concrete piles, or spreading basements, used to resist the upliftment and compression forces generated by a lattice tower.
Large tubular monopole towers avoid the huge force reactions of the ground line. As the limited monopole foundations to a maximum diameter of 3 m and with generally unfavorable soil conditions, straight shaft caissons or power piles were not an economical choice.
The stacking group and the foundation for propagation were difficult to construct from the perspective of soil conditions. During the summer, dewater the excavations, and heat the formwork before installation in winter.
It was steel to connect the single piles to the pile caps and the pile caps to the anchor bolts that were much longer than expected and tedious.
Get info about Monopole Antenna at wikipedia
Assembly and Erection
Compared with the lattice towers on the rest of the line, the construction and installation of the tubular monopole towers progressed quite quickly. However, Poles equipped with bolted flange slip joints fit by a plan. The framework is stack and ready for driving in one or two days. The earlier the practice was to plan the access to the site and position the various pieces of equipment.
The equipment necessary to erect these constructions was large, with structures up to 70 m and weighing up to 149 tons and certain individual sections weighing 22 tons. there is a need for a crane of 386 tons for the most massive structures to raise the parts of the structure.
To place workers making the connections, a 75m telescopic crane with a basket is necessary and requires the support for the individual sections for the support of a second 165-ton crane.
It took a long time to lay out all of the assembled structural parts together with the machinery. For equipment to be able to complete the lift safely and efficiently in the nearby football field areas of access tents, they place the soft terrain conditions strategically around the structures.
Project Completion
Monopole towers have the advantage of grating towers when it comes to construction and assembly times but reconcile the structural weight and base sizes.
Factors such as land and access requirements that might seem insignificant during the design process. They can have substantial impacts on construction costs and plan later.
For that 500 kV transmission line, the design and installation of monopoly systems was an incredible undertaking. The diligent planning and preparation of many people resulted in the successful completion of the project.
From the first designers to complete geometries to the crane operators to set up the structures, to the builders to torch the bolts on the flange joints, the task of each one was necessary and contributed to the success of the project.
Monopole Tower For The Transmission Line
These towers, used as a source of transmission in different areas. These towers support overhead power line high – voltage conductors from the power plant tower to the supply. They also support satellite substations located close to the populated area.
Their shape, height, and strength (mechanical strength) vary depending on the stress. Towers do not transmit energy on their own unless the lightning strikes the ground wire, extended along the edges. Its design protects drivers by allowing lightning to travel through the tower to the ground.
Monopole Tower Price
Monopoles offer the fastest on-air times as most types and their erection take a single day. With minimum time for foundations, a facility can switch from “allow ready” to revenue production quickly. We can purchase monopoles with potential elevation requirements. Several manufacturers assemble every pole with a top flange that is standard for growth. If the rad centers of co-location holders are known, it is advisable that multiple entry ports are available when you order the structure.
In addition to the engineering fees, a new entry will average $2,900 for the bottom port. For the top port $3,900 while the contractor fulfills other project requirements on-site.